
2016年3月2日—Aspot-onpoliticaladparodyisthelatesttouseit:IftheWhiteHousephoneringsat3am,willhislittlehandsevenpickupthe ...,2016年10月20日—JokingabouttheRepublicancandidate'sshortfingersleadtotheremarkshemadeaboutwomenina2005AccessHollywoodtape.,theshorterhandofaclockthatpointstothehours.,2016年3月4日—Almost30yearsagoTrumpwasdescribedasashort-fingeredvulgarian.,TinyHandsisaprotestsongbyFionaAp...

"Tiny hands," the insult that's been driving Donald Trump ...

2016年3月2日 — A spot-on political ad parody is the latest to use it: If the White House phone rings at 3 am, will his little hands even pick up the ...

Donald Trump's Small Hands Are a Sexist Joke

2016年10月20日 — Joking about the Republican candidate's short fingers lead to the remarks he made about women in a 2005 Access Hollywood tape.

Little hand

the shorter hand of a clock that points to the hours.

The History Behind the Donald Trump 'Small Hands' Insult

2016年3月4日 — Almost 30 years ago Trump was described as a short-fingered vulgarian.

Tiny Hands

Tiny Hands is a protest song by Fiona Apple, released on SoundCloud days prior to the 2017 Women's March (January 21, 2017), for which the song was created.

What does it mean if a guy has small hands?

2021年9月24日 — It is very serious… it means that his hands are not as big as some other people's hands. Like, if you measured his hands, the amount of ...

What does it mean if a woman has small hands? ...

2023年7月2日 — While hand size can vary among individuals, it does not hold any inherent meaning regarding a person's personality or life path. Physical ...